TwiPhone Pilot v1.2.4 adds HTTP Authentication for media access

TwiPhone Pilot v1.2.4 was just released in the App Store!

Beginning July 31, 2023, Twilio will require HTTP Authentication for access to media (recordings like voicemail, for example) on all new accounts and any accounts that have it enabled will not be able to disable it. Going forward, Twilio will enable this on all accounts. This is good news! It means your voicemails and other recordings will be more secure. It also means we needed to make changes to TwiPhone Pilot to access this media – version 1.2.4 does this!

You probably received an email from Twilio about this breaking change. If you want to understand more, you can read about it at

While it is good news, it also limits some features. You won’t be able to access your recordings using a simple http link anymore – to access this way you will need to enter your Twilio Account SID and Auth Token (or API Key and Secret) in your web browser. It works but is not super-convenient and does not allow you to share a working link to a voicemail by copying and sending the URL to someone else unless you also send them your Account SID and Auth Token (not recommended!). We are hoping Twilio will provide a way to access this media with some form of a temporary secure link in the future so that we will be able to restore this feature.

With these changes, you will not need to do anything different. TwiPhone Pilot will work as before and, if and when HTTP Authentication is enabled for your Twilio Account, it will continue to work.

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