Account Settings

To use TwiPhone Pilot with your Twilio Account you enter your API Credentials (Account SID and Auth Token) into Account Settings.

Here we show you where to get that information from Twilio to use with the App.

(NOTE: As of TwiPhone Pilot 1.1.1, you no longer have to use your main API Credentials to access Twilio – if you need help using API Keys, see below.)

You find your Account SID and Auth Token on your Twilio Dashboard under Settings (it might be on the Dashboard itself depending on what you have in Twilio). So Login to your Twilio Account, go to Dashboard, then Settings. You should see something that looks like this:

Your Account SID and Auth Token are basically a Username and Password, but they are not the same one you use to Login – these are used for APIs which is what TwiPhone Pilot uses to interact with your account. They are powerful, so keep them safe, just like you do with your Passwords.

Find your Account SID and copy and paste (or type) it into the Account SID field in TwiPhone Account Settings. And then find your Auth Token (you may have to click the SHOW button or eyeball to see it) and copy and paste it into the Auth Token field in Account Settings.

Be careful with spaces and proper case – especially with the Auth Token. When done, you can tap the Proceed (or Verify) button to make sure you got it right, then you can select your main Twilio Account (if it is not selected for you automatically) and tap Done to save and start using it.

Accounts with Subaccounts

If you have a Twilio Account that has one or more Subaccounts, the Account Settings page gives you the option to select a different Account. Most of the time, the main account (the first one in the list) will be the one you want and it will be selected by default. But if you want to use a different Subaccount, that option is available here. It is better to use the specific SID and Auth Token for the Subaccount as the main account SID may not have access to the Subaccount directly.

Using API Keys

As of version 1.1.1, TwiPhone Pilot supports APIs Keys! This means you don’t have to give your main Account SID and Auth Token (which has access to everything) to TwiPhone. For those of you that are security savvy or just uncomfortable using the “keys to the kingdom” everywhere, this is something you will want to use.

Why do I want to use API Keys?

You will want to use API keys for the following reasons:

  • You want to protect your main Account SID and Auth Token because they have access to everything and you cannot revoke them. (Recently Twilio made some changes to allow you to create a Secondary token and promote it to Primary, but still. You can use Secondary Tokens just as if they were your Auth Token, because that is exactly what they are, a second Auth Token).
  • You want to give a key to someone else – like a spouse, an employee, or business partner – so they can access your Twilio account and you want to be able to revoke their access without affecting your own.

Create an API Key at Twilio:

Login to your Twilio account

Go to Account -> API Keys

Click on Create API Key

Give your new key a name – if you are only going to use this key for TwiPhone, “TwiPhone Key” is a good name. If you are assigning the key to a person, you might want to use that person’s name in the key name.

Select Main as the Key type. TwiPhone needs access to your accounts so that it can let you select the account you want to use (in case you have more than one), and a Standard key does not give this access.

Click Create API Key

On the next screen you will see the SID and Secret for your new key. Copy these some place safe as you won’t be able to get the Secret after you leave this screen. Click the “Got it!” checkbox and the Done button after you have recorded your SID and Secret.

Enter SID and Secret in TwiPhone Pilot

In the TwiPhone app, from the Home tab, click the gear icon to get to settings. Select Account Settings and click Edit.

Enter the SID and Secret for the API Key from the step above into the Account SID and Auth Token fields respectively and hit Proceed. Your key will be verified and if you have more than one account, one will be selected and you can tap that to choose a different account. Select the main account that you use with Twilio and then tap Done.

That’s it! You simply use your API Key SID and Secret in place of the Account SID and Auth Token and everything will work from there.

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